Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to join us at the 9th biennial NEURIZONS2020 Conference -Networks grow- Ideas flow- taking place on the 26th– 29th of May 2020 at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, Germany.

Neurizons is a multidisciplinary neuroscience conference organized by the students of the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Neuroscience, in Göttingen.

We are excited to announce two keynote lectures by Prof Daphna Joel and Prof Wolf Singer!

At Neurizons, we invite researchers to behold the latest research in neuroscience from a multitude of disciplines.

The topics of this year’s sessions include:

  • Plasticity, Learning and Memory
  • Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
  • Emerging Techniques
  • Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Circuits and Networks

Neurizons provides the perfect milieu for stimulating discussions, whether it be during talks and poster sessions, or in the more informal settings of various social events. It is also a great opportunity to analyze and assess career paths both within and outside of academia with the help of our career fair.

Registration is now open!

Abstract submission deadline: 15th of April 2020.

Registration will be done via our website (

Attendance to the talks is free of charge, but registration is required regardless.

There will be a social package covering abstract submission, vouchers for lunches and to our social events. Check out our webpage for more details.

We invite you to be part of Neurizons 2020 by presenting a poster, joining our Young Investigator Contest or by just attending the talks.

Please spread the word that Neurizons 2020 is open for registration and that scientific talks are free and open to the entire community for the first time for our conference.

For any questions and updates, please follow us on our social media pages (Facebook: Neurizons Twitter: @Neurizons ) or our email (

See you all at #Neurizons2020,

Neurizons Organizing Team

Einladung zum Vortrag

Dear colleagues,

The ANaP Lab would like to invite you to a talk by Annika Boldt (University College London) on Tuesday, 11 February 2020 at 6 pm (GEMI, room 1.134). In her talk she will speak about Distinct and overlapping neural correlates of metacognitive monitoring and metacognitive control(find abstract below).

We are looking forward at seeing you at our colloquium,

Ronja Demel

Abstract. Metacognition is the act of reflecting on one’s own mental states, often for the purpose of cognitive control. Previous research has shown that people can accurately report their confidence in their decisions and memories. Research has also investigated how these metacognitive signals are generated and which brain networks encode them. However, we are only just beginning to understand how metacognitive knowledge gets selected to optimise behavior (metacognitive control). I will present data from a study in which I investigate how metacognition can guide people’s decisions to cognitively offload, that is using external aids to reduce the demands of a task. In this context, I then show that metacognitive monitoring and metacognitive control share overlapping brain patterns using a multivariate analysis approach.

Informationsveranstaltung zum Master of Science Psychologie

Am Freitag, den 17.04.2020 von 11:30 Uhr bis 16:00 Uhr, findet im Raum 1.134 die Informationsveranstaltung zu unserem Masterstudiengang statt. Wir bitten um eine unverbindliche Voranmeldung per Email an das Studienbüro!

Vorläufiges Programm:

  • 11:30 – 12:15 Uhr:
    Überblick über den Studiengang (Dr. Brinkmann)
  • 12:30 – 13:00 Uhr:
    Vorstellung des Grundlagenbereichs „Kognitive Neurowissenschaften“ (Prof. Penke, Prof. Schacht)
  • 13:00 – 13:30 Uhr:
    Vorstellung des Grundlagenbereichs „Kognitionswissenschaften“ (Prof. Waldmann)
  • 13:30 – 14:00 Uhr:
    Vorstellung des Grundlagenbereichs „Sozialpsychologie“ (Prof. Boos, Prof. Penke, Prof. Schulz-Hardt)
    • 14:00 – 14:30 Uhr: *** Kaffeepause ***
  • 14:30 – 15:00 Uhr:
    Vorstellung des Anwendungsbereichs „Wirtschaftspsychologie“ (Prof. Boos, Prof. Schulz-Hardt)
  • 15:00 – 15:30 Uhr:
    Vorstellung des Anwendungsbereichs „Pädagogische Psychologie“ (Prof. Schroeder)
  • 15:30 – 16:00 Uhr:
    Vorstellung des Anwendungsbereichs „Klinische Psychologie“ (Prof. Brockmeyer)

PraktikantIn gesucht

Last-Minute-Praktikumsplatz zu vergeben (20.04.20-26.06.20  Umfang: 150-225 Stunden)

Im Präventionsprojekt sexuellen Missbrauchs (PsM) des Ludwig-Meyer-Instituts bieten wir ein Halbtags-Praktikum (Umfang 150-225 Stunden) in der Zeit vom 20.04.20-26.06.20 für Studierende ab dem 3. Bachelor-Semester an. Die Kernarbeitszeiten sind montags bis freitags von 14 bis 18 Uhr (falls in die Zeiten Veranstaltungen fallen, ist das meistens auch koordinierbar). Wir bieten Einblicke in die klinische Arbeit mit Patienten mit einem sexuellen Interesse an Kindern oder Jugendlichen. Weitere Informationen findet ihr auf unserer Homepage unter

Bei Interesse wendet euch bitte an Lenka Klein (