Einladung zum Kolloquium

We (as the Department of Developmental Psychology) would like to invite you to a talk by Prof. Dr. Sabine Hunnius (Donders Institiute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Nijmegen) on Thursday, 30 January 2020 at 12.15 (seminar room 2.111, Waldweg 26). In the talk, Prof. Hunnius will speak about “How Young Children Learn About and From Others” (see abstract below).

We are looking forward to seeing you at our colloquium.

Best wishes,

Feride N. Haskaraca Kizilay

Title: How Young Children Learn About and From Others

Abstract: Infants come into this world equipped with advanced learning mechanisms. Moreover, from early on they show an elaborate pattern of allocating attention to stimuli in a way that allows them to learn optimally from their environment. I will present a series of behavioral and neurophysiological experiments demonstrating how these mechanisms support infants’ social learning and action understanding. In addition, I will discuss recent research from my lab on adults’ infant-directed behaviors that shows how adults skillfully adapt their teaching behaviors to the attentional preferences and learning capabilities of their infant interaction partners to optimize learning. Together, my research demonstrates how the intricate interaction of infants’ basic learning mechanisms and a well-matched social environment brings about the astonishing developmental changes of early childhood.

Einladung zum Kolloquium

Dear all,

Prof. Dr. Sabine Hunnius from the Baby BRAIN Group (Donders Institiute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour) in Nijmegen will give a talk at the CogSci Colloquium on Thursday, 30th January.

Her research focuses on developmental mechanisms and neurocognitive changes underlying early social-cognitive development using eye-tracking, EEG and NIRS techniques.
In their group, Hunnius and her colleagues study how infants perceive other persons and, as their development progresses, come to understand what others are doing and thinking,
as well as how infants develop to become efficient and skilled agents themselves.

This is a great opportunity to network: please register by sending an e-mail (evaricarda.bothe@uni-goettingen.de) if you are interested in meeting with Prof. Hunnius
to discuss your own/her research in person with her, ask questions, etc. until Monday, 27th January.


Ricarda Bothe
Psychology of Language Department
Georg-Elias-Müller Institute for Psychology
Goßlerstraße 14, 37073 Göttingen

LASI: Einführungsveranstaltung „Psychoanalyse“

Einführungsveranstaltung „Psychoanalyse“ für Interessierte

Referentin: Antje von Boetticher
Ort: Institut (LASI, Wilhelm-Weber-Str. 24), Gruppenraum
Mittwochs, 12., 19., 26.02.2020, 18:30 – 20:00 Uhr

Das Seminar richtet sich an Studierende der Pädagogik, Psychologie oder Medizin sowie an Personen, die in pädagogischen, psychologischen und medizinischen Berufen arbeiten und über eine Aus- bzw. Weiterbildung im Bereich Psychotherapie/Psychoanalyse nachdenken und einen ersten Einblick bekommen möchten.

Wir möchten Ihnen einige Grundideen, -begriffe und -konzepte der Psychoanalyse näherbringen und mit Ihnen darüber ins Gespräch kommen. Wir sind gespannt auf Ihre Fragen und den Austausch mit Ihnen. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.