Einladung zum Kolloquium

Dear all,

this is a short reminder of our Cognitive Science Colloquium. Tomorrow, December 14th, Ian Apperly from the University of Birmingham will be our guest and give a talk on “Gaps between mindreading competence and performance”. An abstract can be found below.

As usual, the Colloquium will take place from 12.15 to 13.45, in the high building of Waldweg 26, room 2.111.

Also, I would like to remind you of the following Cognitive Science Colloquium: On January 11th, Azzura Ruggeri from the MPI for Human Development will speak on Ecological learning: How children adapt their active learning strategies to achieve efficiency. For further information please visit our website.

Best regards,

Anika Weinsdörfer

Abstract: We know that adults have the competence to mindread – to represent the beliefs, desires and intentions of others – and there is evidence that at least some mindreading is performed with a significant degree of automaticity. Why, then, do we sometimes appear not to mindread successfully, and why do some people seem better at this than others? I will argue that much mindreading occurs spontenaously rather than automatically. Spontaneous mindreading does not require explicit prompting, but is conditional on motivation and on the availability of sufficient cognitive resources. I will also argue that whether mental states are inferred automatically, spontaneously, or under instruction, there is no guarantee that this information will be integrated to guide ongoing behaviour, in social interaction or communication. Such integration also requires motivation and cognitive resources. The need for motivation and cognitive resources opens the door to predictable patterns of variable performance in mindreading, both within and between individuals. Finally, I will argue that some mindreading requires uncertain, “abductive” inferences, which are likely to highly depend on familiarity with the situation in which the inference is made, and therefore variable within and between individuals in different contexts and cultures.

Probanden gesucht

Liebe Studierende,

die Abteilung 3 sucht für die Online-Studie „Wie sieht Ihr idealer Partner aus?“ noch Probanden.

In der Studie interessieren wir uns für die Vorstellungen eines idealen Partners. Dafür wird eine Liste von Eigenschaften präsentiert, die eine Person besitzen kann. Wir wollen herausfinden, ob und wenn ja, wie sich diese Eigenschaften in übergeordnete Kategorien zusammenfassen lassen.

Für die Teilnahme können 0,5 Versuchspersonenstunden vergeben werden.

Link zur Studie: https://formr.org/IdealerPartner